Electronics Arabia is a technical and technological magazine aimed at professional electronics students, design engineers and developers. Its articles cover the full range of electronic industry activities, including technology, systems, components, development tools, test, software and instrumentation, among others.
Electronics Arabia aims to inform, educate and advise by supplying readers with sufficient engineering detail to enable them to understand developments in the electronics industry as a route to their design problem solutions, contributed by engineers and academics leading in their field, who draw on the engineering resources and knowledge of leading-edge companies and organisations as well as their own projects.
Electronics Arabia reveals the study of how to control the flow of electrons.
Electronics Arabia (Arab Electronics) discloses with circuits made up of components that control the flow of electricity. 
Electronics Arabia  also discusses about electrical components like transistors and relays can act as switches.
Electronics Arabia also introduces emerging electronics technology, which is the application of scientific theories and principles in the design, production, installation, testing, service, use, and control of electrical and electronic parts, equipment and systems.  
So, let’s make a new year resolution to master any one of the technologies, and let’s have a look at the latest technologies or upcoming very promising technologies 
If you want something a bit more concrete than general advice, you might find this  useful Electronics Arabia magazine trustworthy and extremely interesting with latest advances in electronics and technology.
Electronics Arabia included in this magazine are the various technical topics which cut across electronics disciplines, encompassing many branches of disciplines.
The authors in this magazine from both electric industry and academia who have produced work judged by their peers to be of exceptional quality and benefit to the electronics, electrical and technology community.
Each issue of Electronics Arabia magazine will be a self-study and self introductory as part of our commitment to furthering knowledge and best practice.